Friday, June 25, 2010

Prom Night's the first time I attend prom night, and I had never been to any dinner held by school or club. Well, I'm really glad to perform on the stage with friends, though sometimes they may complain about don't wanna practice, but once the music is played, they dance non-stop too, what does it mean actually? Hmmm....or perhaps they're actually enjoying it, aren't my friends? Hehe... and because of the performance, we went shopping together, we ate together, playing together, practice together, etc brief, without this activity, we may have spent less time together, less fun together and may have further relationship. =) Now recall the dancer election, I was so scared of being hated by friends because I call out their names without thinking much,luckily they seem enjoying it, I'm glad to see that. ^^ Though tonight performance wasn't as good as we expected, as we were somehow a little panicked by having not enough time to get ready, it's good enough that we all have tried our best. At least, we learn something new from this new experience. So, peace!!! Hehe... ...

I like my hair done by my stylist. OMG, I was really surprised, can she read my mind? I didn't even tell her what kinda hair style I want but she just did it as I expected. x) I only told her to do any hair style as long as it matches both my dinner outfit and also dancing outfit. How can she know I like hair braids plus puffy hair? 1st time hair straightening was done by her as well when I came to Sibu about 12 years old (wah....long long time ago, lolz....) , and I have my hair cut by her if I came to Sibu as the price is low and she could do it quite well. This time is the first time I let her set me hair. I'm satisfied, like it a lot. Hehehe... x) She's skillful and fast, complete tying my hair in short hour.

Thanks again to Alice and Li Hua for helping me with the make-up... really really thank you so much!!!! x) And also Tiff for the eye liner under eyes, lolz.... Now, can guess why I never attended such dinner before already? Because I think it's really troublesome, hmmmp!!! But I feel lucky to attend this prom night. x) By the way, It doesn't cost much too....

I was impressed by the beautiful and smart outfits. You all look good tonight, hehehe....all cinderella and princes.

Too bad in the lucky draw I can't get the printer!!! I really need it a lot, and my friends too!!! We all need it!!!!! Lord, why can't you hear me no matter how hard I pray? Why am I always so unlucky? Ish.....but I get used to it already, I had never win any lucky draw before, lolz.... our table only get a pack of
Chrysanthemum Tea,sigh~ At least it's better than nothing,haha....

Well, I'm dog-tired right now...the days before prom night we had insufficient sleep due to doing last minute job (rushing the assignment when due date is approaching). And the rehearsal...and I actually I could sleep in the afternoon before prom night but too bad I have to do something for the club again, as a secretary...hmmmm.....the rain turn out to be rainbow tonight. Finally, it's over, happy hours always pass by quickly. Now, gonna continue with another 2 assignments. After this, we can focus on Final Exam. Yes, be a cinderella for a night and gonna turn back to normal life again. No rain no rainbow! This is life, must have ups and downs. Let's strive for the rainbow ahead! Yos, gambateh~!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blood~!!!! Hehehehez......excited mood!

Wow....what brings me to this long abandoned blog? Lolz....I have to say, I'm really excited right now.

Today, leo club of KLT held a blood donation activity. So, I very volunteer to donate my evil blood without having second thought. Because I can't wait to pass my evil blood to the others. *evil grin*

By the way, it may save a life without harming ourselves, why don't I have a try? Sure I wanna try! Without second of thought! Too bad they say my blood pressure is too low and unstable, and I will faint in this state if I insist to donate my blood. They don't allow too...truly disappointed. Sigh~ (By the way, I never fainted before, what's that feeling? I should have a try neh~ lolz...)

But it was fun. Hehe....the guys didn't plan to donate their blood just because they are scared of the injection, it's quite big in size, lolz....and big pack of blood... xD I was so excited to see that! (evil is running in my blood is it? xD)

So I said, "Ngaidi, I want also cannot...ish! I also don't scare ar! What for you scare? No **** ( every guy has one, don't wanna say, so embarrassing,hehehe...) meh?" Lolz....and then their reaction is really funny! LMAO!!!! xD Ahahahaha.....most of them also go have a try, but too bad they're not acceptable too. Only Alvin that manly blood can be used. Ahahaha...Sorry Alvin, I know you actually didn't plan to donate, but it can save a life, good job, man! You are so manly ! Hero~! Applause for you!!! Hehehehe... (it's funny when Alvin saw Gabriel faint, he said," I wanna faint later so that there'll be people carry me like him" and Kerly said," Alvin, don't faint, I doubt there's anyone can carry you up." Muahahaha...)

Michael also go test his blood because of being provoked by what I said...lolz...and he said, " see, I sacrifice my blood. It's for you." Michael, I went to test too! Only 1 drop of blood not a bag of blood, sweat, say till like this, lolz....blood type of most of us is A+ ! Mine also. O+ is the best but less people have it. =(

My female friends asked me why don't I scared of the pain and why was I so excited to donate my blood? Well, it's something good, it doesn't harm much and may save life, that's all I wish to do, I wish I can distribute something to help the others if I can. And pain? Well, such physical pain can be recovered easily and quickly, in brief, it's nothing for me. I'm more afraid of hurt. That will produce scar which lasts long and sometimes it is such a pain to recall it. I hate that, I hate tears. I just....hate the weak side of's so dark and painful.

Well, forget about the pain now! Let's talk about something more interesting. Hehez..

It recalls my first injection in primary school. Got 1 boy cried because of me. In primary school, I was sometimes bullied by others because I was too innocent & quiet. So I was forced and pushed by others to be the first and got the injection. But I didn't mind, I knew it's better than seeing other people got injected , that may even more scary to wait for injection after seeing the scene. After I got the injection, got a boy ask me, "hey! Painful or not? I'm so scared lei..." And I answered him with cool plain face,"well, see how the needle is pushed into our body, sure it's." Then that boy cried so badly! Ahahahahahaha.....who ask him bully me? Good lar! Revenge! Muahahaha....I'm such an evil since I was young.... xP

Tonight gonna practice dancing, tomorrow site visit and the day after tomorrow will have site visit + dance practice. But honestly, I like this.... xD I'm such a freak...hoho... no choice, evil is running in my blood. Muahahahaha....I don't like to write report though. =3=
Maybe I just cannot stand living a life without busyness, I will feel guilty & down in that way.

Just the pass few days I feel moody, and now I feel better after being a little bit more busy. =)

Well, life is full of ups and downs which we cannot avoid from.

Here comes one of my favorite quotation:
“Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear.” =) Be stronger!!! RAWR!!!!!!