Sunday, September 26, 2010

The apple reminded me of you

Eating an apple, standing at the balcony alone, staring at the object far away, as far as I could, that's what I always do at hostel when I'm alone. In this way, many thoughts will come together in my mind. Besides, I can think properly in such quite and peaceful environment, that's why I prefer to be alone sometimes, but not all the time yer....hehe....because....still, as a girl, loneliness is something I can't help.... >=) Especially with windy weather, I'll stand at the balcony, as the gentle breeze always calm myself down and I feel comfortable that way... how about ya?

I have to say, sometimes it comes across my mind while I'm eating an apple, the memory is recalled even today. That's somewhat memorable, though I may forget some details or parts out of all...

This story, begins with a senior in morning section and a girl in afternoon section. That's why they can hardly see each other but they used the same classroom and took the same seat though they're not classmate. That senior dropped a few lines on a wooden board (impressive huh? Haha....I guess it's the leftover of their KHB's project work) and put it inside the drawer of the desk. In the afternoon, the girl discovered the board for sure, it was obvious that there's some words written there.

Actually, they had known each other before it, because they're always waiting at the same place as they had to wait for the primary school to go home after school, and that's when they started to talk to each other, although they didn't talk much. The girl was surprised to get the board, she felt it's truly interesting and so she replied.

The board, was written over and over between them until it was full with words, that was really memorable one. =) That senior would always draw an apple with each message, and sometimes he would pass by our class while he's having the extra class in the afternoon, eating an apple and wave to the girl. Somehow the girl could feel curious about what message she would receive each day and what should she reply during her boring lesson, hehe... an apple a day,keep the doctor away huh? She felt like eating apple each time she saw the board. There's neither much conversation nor close relationship between 'em but it was truly fun and interesting! At least this allows her to have something to anticipate each school day.

However, such situation only lasted about 3 or 4 months, until they got each of their contact number. It was then the girl realized that the message written on board in the drawer would be appreciated rather than message through the mobile phone, which give less feeling. A message on board each day is rather precious than the message which could be sent or received any time from phone. The memory after that is not clear inside her mind now, she's not sure of why they had contact less and less and eventually they never return back to the way they were before. They only send some regards to each other during some special festivals. No more other conversation between them but only smiling to each other while they meet. 1 year, 2 years.... 3 years.....just pass with like that... well,don't misunderstand, though sounds sweet, this was merely friendship to only some small extent... just that the board and the apple are memorable, hehehe...

Now, the senior had passed away. That's too sad to be truth for everyone who know him that such good guy pass away in such young age and his girl friend is truly sad for sure...I very seldom browse my Friendster because no one is using it now. Surprisingly, there's a girl who keep on writing on his wall, the only update I could see from my Friendster news feed for so far. That's his girlfriend. I'm not sure whether she still writing it now. You know what? We can never forget about someone who had left us good memory, even if it only lasted temporarily... Friend, you're always alive as long as you're remember inside any heart. Goodbye to you but the memory you had given to each and everyone of us would not be erased. Fly to the place you where originated...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today is Moon Cake Festival

Yeah~ Today is my lunar birthday as well, muahahaha....
That's why I'm born to be as round (plump) as a full moon?
Well, I always comfort my self this way.... TT^TT Poor me.... lol...
However, we had already celebrated it last night,
as there was a great event held by school.
What a jolly night! =) It had good atmosphere.

I came accross a bad dream this morning.
It was about our house encountered break-in and burglar.
Then I discover the thieves and fought with them for a while, then run!
(well, I always have such stupid dream,
that some bad men or women or even monster chase after me here and there,
so I try hard to escape, hiding plus running... )


Yeah yeah....something ridiculous like the picture below:



My alarm clock woke me up and interrupted my dream.
Haha...... it the consequence of cursing people to have nightmare?
Well.....okay... = =||| Or perhaps it is because of I read many articles
related to burglaries from newspaper nowadays.
What a freaky hide and seek. Phew~

This afternoon my eldest sister told me a bad news.
The monkey had passed away.... TT^TT
It's truly sad to hear about that....monkey, rest in peace. Sigh~

And and and....what the.....I have to do something for the club again.'s such a wet blanket.
Sometimes I'm thinking about can I give out on the post of secretary?
Plus our past president will no more be there to talk to us or guide us anymore.
It's kinda disappointing... hmmppp.... Thanks him for helping us a lot.