Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of the year 2008.

Today is the last day of 2008.
Time goes by very quickly.
Waa....after my 2009's birthday. I will be able to drive car.

Today, my mom look at the lunar calender ( also known as Chinese calender).
She told me that I will turn to be 18 in 2009 according to the lunar calender.
(In Chinese custom, our age is one year older, so my actual age on 2009 is 17.)
She said I'm still like a kid, playing like a little child at home. Haa...

Yes...I act like a kid at home. But outside the house, I'm different.
My personality is different while I stay outside, am very silent.
At home, I'm a chatter girl. So my sis always says that I like to pretend like a good girl so that others will praise me. No no....Actually she has been misunderstanding me.
Because I feel free at home. Outside, I feel a little uncomfortable.
I scared to say something wrong.
At home, I don't have to worry much. Because family do not mind so much about your fault.
Here's a sentence I like. I found it from a book.
--->Friends come and go. But family will always be there for you.
Yeah~ I agree with that. Family is really important in my life. They give me lots of thing.
They give me encouragement and support me a lot. I want to say that I'm really glad to have them as my family.

I always tell my mom about everything. She is the best listener and she will give me suggestion.
We must believe what is told by the elder. They have gone through more experience then us.
Yes...My mom see my childish side, but....
Actually I've been changing a lot inwardly.
I have less excitement to do everything.
Before, my life is full of curiousity and excitement.
Now, I guess....hmm....I'm getting older now.
I find uninterested in most of the thing I liked before.
Most of the teens like my age will do something teens will like to do. a crush on someone else, hanging around and chatting with friends at some public location.
But I prefer staying at home and always refuse to hang around with friends.
Also, become not as friendly as before.
So that's rare if someone invites me to hang around with them.

I can say that time really goes by very very quickly. 18?
I can hardly imagine how is my future. What should I do in future?
I'll be going to university soon. Which route should I choose?
This question is annoying me. I'm a stupid without dream.
Still think that I have lots of time to think about it. But it's wrong.
Next year is a very important year.
I'll have a very important test which it known as SPM in our country.
We can only take this test once in our life. That's why it's important.
This test is held in the end of the year 2009.
One year is short, after next year, I'll have to decide my future.
If I choose wrong route, I'll regret.
I'm very worry. I'm lost...
Nobody can tell me the answer. I can only find the answer by myself.
Although we can't predict our future, I believe that I won't regret if I choose something I like.
Yet....what's the thing I wish for? What's the thing I truly like?

I have a lot of questions in my mind. can I overcome this problem? TT^TT

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