Saturday, January 15, 2011

First weekend after school re-open

14th January 2011

It's quite fun to hang out with my friends around the city, we spent almost 8 hours to walk around everywhere nearby. I bought a Domo-kun phone seat back, whee~ I told myself I must bring domo back since I first saw you, ngahaha, you're too adorable... xP

Another first time here~! I had been to the temple near by the dock for few times, but I never climb to the highest floor. We borrowed the key from the authority there to climb to the highest place. It has a big bell there, we can strike it and the sound produced indicates it may bring peace & good luck, perhaps... if not mistaken...hehe...actually I dunno whether or not we're allowed to do so. xP

Walking around, we found durian seller, the smell was so strong,'s been quite a while for the durian session, though I don't eat durian, but it gives me some strange feeling which I can't explain, not hating it either but like it, why? Hehe...reminiscent of warmth moment?

We shop around, bought some shirts and necklace as well. Compare to our hometown, the things sold here is a bit cheaper. We discovered some cool outfit, cicada, pigeon, and many more.

Teehee...we simply walk around as many places as we can, since we would like to spare our whole day outside. It's truly fun though tiring. On the way of our journey or adventure (?? xD), we met quite a number of schoolmates. Haha...maybe the town is too small and it's the only place youngsters may hang out at.

After that, I rush to attend my relative's birthday dinner. Stay overnight at their place.

15th January 2011

Spent my whole days with my cousin, she worries about my stomach almost every single minute. Asking me to eat this and that... = = After staying at her place, I always have to try really hard to lose the weight I gained. I saw her killing chicken, yer...but I still dare to eat after witnessing the cruel scene. Perhaps I've almost get used to such things. Before, I wasn't dare to eat meat the whole day after seeing some bloody scene, though not killing a chicken or whatever, but something like my kittens had part of their body being eaten by their own mom. It was truly cruel and hellish. I also witnessed quite a number of my pets being crashed by car.

I didn't know, today is my another cousin's birthday. So, I attend another dinner again. Huhu...since I stay here, I've attend several dinners. Maybe it's the custom of Foochow? I'm not very getting used to such situation though.

Played with my nieces, they're cute...though i hate kids... hahaha....hang out with them for a while, causing me headache, because of a hyperactive niece of mine. x_x Some more he doesn't allow us to control his move by pushing our hand away when we try to hold his hand.

Then I returned hostel. Mr. cockroach is sure starving since I've abandoned him for two days without feeding him. Tonight, he's eating the biscuit I give him, wah~ The first time I see cockroach eating. So it's like this huh? Just like grasshopper. =x Well, we always found and collect grasshoppers from the bushes then rear them inside a bottle during childhood days. xP
Or even cook or burn ants? xD Haha...the curious us, it's damn memorable.

Ok...Sooner or later will update again. ;)

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