Sunday, January 2, 2011

One more time, One more chance

Hey, everyone...

Have you ever...look for someone wherever you go...every corner...any place...even though you know...that someone actually won't be there?

You might feel their existence in the atmosphere...thinking or feeling like, they may be around...when you turn around, you's just that you're cherishing the memories...and can't help but disappointed.

Did you ever write message for no one, but merely to yourself and saved it?

Anyway, I re-watch 5 centimeters per second (秒速5厘米). More feelings and opinion come across, for this animation.

No matter how many times I watch 5 centimeters per's still...very....very....beautiful and touching, absolutely. Bittersweet...

I love how realistic the story is...just as can be...story of many of well...

The lyric of the theme song... the graphics...and the story...I love everything about it...the cherry blossom, the train, the sky, the expression...every thing...


Title: One more time, One more chance (piano version)

How much more will I have to lose, before my heart is forgiven?
How many more pain will I have to suffer, to meet you once again?
One more time, oh seasons, don't disappear
One more time, the time when we were messing around

Whenever we argued, I would always give in first right?
Your selfish nature made me love you even more
One more chance, the memories stopped my legs
One more chance, I cannot choose my next destination

Im always searching, for your figure to appear somewhere
On the opposite platform, in the windows along the lane
Even though I know you couldn't be at such a place
If my wish were to come true, I would be at your side right away
There would be nothing I couldn't do
I would put everything on the risk and hold you tight, I'll show you.

If I just wanted to distract my loneliness, anybody would have been enough.
The stars seems like it will fall in the night which is why i can't lie to myself.
One more time, oh seasons, don't disappear
One more time, the time when we were messing around

I'm always searching, for your figure to appear somewhere
Even when I'm crossing a street, Even in the midst of my dreams
Even though I know you couldn't be at a place like this!
If a miracle were to happen, I would want to show you immediately
A new morning, who I'll be from now on
And the words i never said called: "I Love You"

The memories of summer are revolving
The throbbing which suddenly disappeared

Im always searching, for your figure to appear somewhere
At dawn on the streets, at Sakuragi-cho
Even though I know you couldn't be at a place like this!
If my wish were to come true, I would return to your side right away
There would be nothing I couldn't do
I would risk everything and hold you tight I'll show you!

I'm always searching, for fragments of you to appear somewhere
At a travellers store, in the corner of newspaper,
Even though I know you couldn't be at a place like this!
If a miracle were to happen, I would want to show you immediately
A new morning, who I'll be from now on
And the words I never said called: I Love You.

I always end up looking for your smile, to appear somewhere
At the railroad crossing, waiting for the express to pass
Even though I know you couldn't be at such a place
If our lives could be restarted,
No matter how many times it will be I will go back to you
What I would wanted then would then be nothing
The Things Other Then You!


Besides, I learn how I like this anime is also because of what I encountered.

Different from this anime, I experienced such feeling, not from love, but friendship that I think they can be equally strong, no?

This animation shows the facts of couple, being separated and distant by the distance, which act as a barrier between them.

Distance...still is something that breaks the link or chain, between lovers...though it's a mutual love. It kills courage, confidence and faith…create fear and insecure... (With only 3 episodes...the animation shows how the love and beautiful memory change a person...with the passing...of each second.)

The sweet memory...passes by very quickly...just as if the speed of Sakura (cherry blossom) falling, which last shortly… the season...)

It also shows how a person who can't forget the past, holding on those memories, living their life in the past, not being able to let go the past, and so it covers their eyes from noticing something beautiful in front. Instead, they keep seeking, chasing or tracing the past, any time, any where...

Living their life, like a lost and doubtful soul, or even a body without soul...

Feel like, there's nothing the beauty they encountered in the past.

Therefore they almost give up on seeking the beautiful things.

Slowly, romance and beauty, fade from their life.

They become tougher as those things fade slowly...from their sight...

No longer interested or believe in their life.

[In the end of this anime, the main character goes back to the place. He learns how he still has feelings towards those memories...and...he learns the girl he always cherish the most, had already moved on...he smiles…and finally…it's time...let go and it's now alright for him to move on too….even though he still hold on those beautiful memories which he’s almost give out and losses feeling. How long…does it spend? =’) ]

However, the one who is able to let go, turn the past to be a sweet memory.

Keep living their life keeping the sweet memory deep down inside their heart.

Like a nutrient, which assist them on growing...let bygone be bygone, keep moving on...without turning back...

[This is what the girl in the story does.]

We shouldn't give out on seeking the sakura, despite of you realize how short the wonderful season is.

Don't give out the rest wonderful session, just because of the withering of once sakura, such short season, in the past.

Like that, sakura would not fall anymore, inside your soul.

Open up your’s time to clear off everything…put those memories inside your heart...but not let it be the obstacle in front of your eyes …so that your cherry blossom, will re-bloom.

Here goes my older post about this movie... it was the first time I watched it...I shared my favorite AMV related to this movie. Those songs suits the scenes and the story perfectly. That's how I love ' may like them too. =)

Click here to see -->


From my point of view about true love:

A true love...might not be lasting....
A lasting relationship....might never become a true love.

True love isn't necessary about how long it lasts... it's about how both care for each other...having mutual cares...and strong feelings towards each other. each other...that's it.

I think...the story shows true love... despite how they go on separate way in the end, despite how there's no lasting relationship...even though they don't end up together....the still... igniting...forever... and still, they move last...after a very very long time...


I figure out one of my favorite quote...which I always recall in my mind.

"To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have."

It’s something difficult to control. Not like what I wish to… so….This quotation... as if always reminding about ya? I’ll always keep it...and believe....through thick and thin, with the passing of time, we can overcome the obstacle and become stronger...learn to let go...

It's been quite a while without update in my blog, again... =P

By the way, happy new year~! Huhu...though a bit's already the 3rd day of 2011.

God bless. Cheers~


Steve said...

hello yeow ya..I didnt know tat u write blog too..Well yes..of human we do nid a partner, a friend, apart from soul mate, or else we'll be lonely. Thats one of human's weakness..afraid to be alone. Long Distance Relations or as i call LDR is not complicated as it seems if both trust and love each other very much..but it's only 1 out of 10 will survive.All these sum up to LONELINESS.See how it works in our life? Nice blog anyway..gonna link urs.^^

Anonymous said...

You're right. =)
Hehe...thanks...You've got a nice blog as well,I like it. Gonna links yours too... x)